Monday, February 1, 2010
Boyfriend's BirthDay at....
Fullerton Hotel
Their Amazing Pool!!!
u will be swimming almost on the building

1st thing we reached. CAmWhore lA!

Bf also very vain la.. ask me to take him also..

guess how much tis this evian water.. FUCKING siao
(click to c )


outside the window. we are staying at orchard wing.

nice room

we both prefer the TOilet more then the bedroom lor
coz its fking nice
u saw theres a room inside?
its meant for ... Shiiting.... a toilet bowl.
so that if ppl plant their shit bomb till fking smelly. we jus shut dem up in the room



i wan to slp there

after taking pics we were famished. and went to city hall to eat.
den came back , wanted to bathe one la coz perspire alot under the hot sun..
but.. his fren came less den 10mins.
so.. LETS GO clubbing...!
reach back hotel ard 4am, bathe and slp str at 5am.
9am he pulled me out of the bed and asked me to eat the breakfast.

he looks awake hor?

totally no make up.
no concealer
no everything!
fucking tired

i love this pictures

after eating breakfast, i reali cant tahan , chiong back to slp.
and at 11am , the housekeeper or whoever called and delivered us a bdae cake

Happy bdae Eugene Tan Jia Jun. My bf




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