Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Smell of Freedom
*Smell of Freedom

i cant believe myself is working after the exam (4hrs interval)
and tml im working again. basically everyday ive got job job job.
*thanks man

finally exams is over..doubt i can rest until next week =)
really feel lk going out to enjoy myself for some time.
in this holiday, im more interested and looking forward to MJ !!!

audit & accounting paper is fucking over. im gg to burnt all my paper down soon.
really feel lk getting a driving license.

this holiday i bet i wun be much relax.. coz ive few aims to do!!!!

1) MJ at bf hus and wif frens
2) one nice dinner maybe at oriental mandarin hotel wif bf
3) check in hotel and relax again (probably 1st april)
4) shopping on 2nd april
5) jobs
6) update my long long time ago nails pic!!!!
7) wait for my results.