Tuesday, April 27, 2010
313 Somerset
Today after school , my feelings is 'ups and down' for twice.
while at white sand mall with baby want to buy some food, dad called me.
he told me to go to 313 orchard immediately and he told me to choose the present.

*im so fucking happy because it's my ideal and dream ahemxxx*
baby and me straight away walked mrt station and dad called me again
and told me that, the staff got the wrong model and got a guy version *ahemx*

of course , im so damn sian again lo. and walked back to the mall in depressed.

then dad called again and said that he spotted another 2 models of *ahemx*
and he asked me to go over again and choose one out of the 2.
i asked him 'CONFIRM? SURE'

and then we straight away DASHED to 313 orchard in an ULTIMATE TOP SPEED because im fucking excited to get my present.

and i reach there, looking at the 2 *ahemx* i fell in love with one of them and the price was like..... damn nice ... =)

(shall not reveal the present yet.. as i'm still waiting for mum's present)