Friday, April 23, 2010
TGIF, 九品芝麻官
Finally, I can really understand fully of 'TGIF'
why Friday?
Isn't we have to attend half day of school / work?
Personally, I prefer : Saturday.
*we can sleep till dawn and go town for a great shopping and ends with a sumptuous dinner.*
and now, I love Friday. Because, I do not have lessons on that day at all!

brought this DVD from Compass Point yesterday while on my way back home.
Its 周星馳 , Stephen Chow, 九品芝麻官, Hail to Judge.
quite an old show, but seriously, its worth watching and collect his old movies.
Brought this DVD to baby house today to watch and as well as to study.
We really enjoyed our day a lot, and did some revision as well.
Everyone was kind of shock that, I AM STUDYING ON MY FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL!
seriously, i cant believe it too. Well, my class is full of genius, 15 cut-off points *lowest*
and quite a number of classmates is those JC students who choose polytechnics then JC.
Really afraid that I couldn't catch up hence i need to Double up my efforts.
Exemption of modules? NO. not going to. treat it as revise.
Anyway, I'm in a very good class. Friendly classmates I have, all so funny and cute.
especially 'C' , she looks so blur to me, but she is funny because we keep complaining about the boring lecture!

Well, another hilarious matter came up to me.
Received a god damn funny message which i can't really explain what is the *AIMS* or *MOTIVE*
of the message.
Funny Scenes still swirling in my mind about the show. I'm gonna get more of Stephen Chow's Show.
Im feeling over the moon now, clubbing tomorrow at Rebel? *SEE HOW!