CLICK ON MY ADVS TKS! its extremely amazing for me to be at home on SATURDAY! no choice, schling nw. gonna cut down on my outing but. dad went out for dinner wif others, guess discussion again so mum n us went to dine at compass Sakae Sushi
damn hungry.. finally. tis was only the small portion. but.. im busy eATING SO NO PICS! mi n mum NCHS after dinner went to montip to buy hairband. and buy water bottle we had one each neaRLY FORGOT. abt tis colorful table soccer dilys n gene VS monk n guz after a game. SHAKE HANDS !
itts bloody 3.59am right nw. bf has finally reach home. yup. goin to play few rounds of games before we slp n we r gossiping lk bitches! wootS!