Looking at the calendar few days back and i realised that ive been in the TP for near a mth.
In this one month, I am like a worker bee, busy with a lot of school stuffs as well as my own work.
just had my communication skills yesterday, preparation of work was done fully but still afraid of the results. Accounting? gd. not listening in lecture but manage to finish the whole lecture work and tutorial homework during lecture, because im afraid that i will get mixed up.
many ppl ask me a gd question: 'How is ur class? do u mix well with dem?'
i can say, Yes, I am mixing vry vry vry well in class.
maybe because i come to sch just for the sake of the piece of diploma.
and my wish is 'I dont mind being the last 5th (maximum) in class but not the last position in class and dont get kicked out of school' for this, im happy enough.
saw aileen's post in fb few days back , she wrote: whats so gd abt poly?'
and i replied : just come school everyday to disturb friends and talk cock den go hm